We’re Growing

 Changes to our pricing

As of June 1st 2022 we will be Bulk Billing ALL EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY sessions through EPC referrals. We have stopped Bulk Billing all Physiotherapy EPC referrals, alongside there has also been a slight increase to our prices. We value our quality of service and as a small family business we believe we need to increase our pricing to be able to continue providing exceptional service.

We will continue to accept Medicare referrals and you will receive your Medicare rebate within 24 hours of your appointment to your nominated bank account through MyGov.

If you are a Workcover, DVA or CTP client your billing will remain the same.

Please note Private Health cannot be used to cover “the gap” for medicare billing. And as always missed appointment fees are not covered by Medicare, DVA, workcover, insurance or private health.

We thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation

Rochana Bell

Office Manager

Sage Physiotherapy